Tuesday, December 9, 2014

New and Improved Website Coming Soon... and some updates! :)

I am so happy to announce that I will be having a new website I am designing! What a learning curve I can tell you - I had someone plug in the theme to use and help with some charts and pictures but I am happy to say I have been the one to put it mostly together!

I think however I will stick to Mortgage Building vs Web Building! lol, I am way better at the former than the latter that is true. Speaking of mortgages, as you already know the Bank of Canada has already left the overnight rate as is... so what does that mean for you? The lenders are still offering stable rates with nothing really going up to high or down to low... rates have been pretty consistant. The thing that has not remained steady are mortgage products. Most lenders have now all followed suit in regards to using a 3% payment caculation on all unsecured lines of credit and credit cards vs using the provable payment. This makes things I find tight for First Time Buyers when looking at what they qualify for. For example a $10,000 line of credit costs about $25/month where as now to qualify for the mortgage I have to use a $300 payment to qualify...see the difference? For larger unsecured line and credit cards this changes the playing field quite a lot. I am also seeing a change for my first time investment clients, with changing an owner occupied property into a rental property - as the prior 80% offset for rental monies has dropped to 50% with a majority of lenders - unless you are declaring it on your T1 Generals. When if so, the 80% stands as a usable off set.

Where I am seeing lenders step up is in the offers for Transfer/Switch mortgages, and covering a lot of the standard fees that come part and parcel of moving your mortgage! So you are able to get a great rate, great mortgage product (even moving the dreaded Collateral Charged Mortgage), and cost you nothing in transfer costs to the new lender upon renewal! Saving a few $100 or even $1000 can be helpful especially when everything else seems to be going up in price. But more so it is a great way to not feel married to your bank anymore! You do not have to have a messy divorce now to be able to unshackle yourself from your current lender at renewal time!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

RCMP Musical Ride - Kids for Cancer Charity Event

So this was the 2ed event of the summer for "Your Mortgage Guides"! 

The RCMP Ride was amazing to watch! It was held at Amberlea Meadows, which is just outside of the SW of Edmonton. The turn out was amazing to support the Kids with Cancer, of which Amberlea Meadows is a huge supporter.

I have to take a moment to say, that Amberlea Meadows holds a place in my heart as I spend a lot of my childhood there. It is a wonderfully beautiful place and the owners have huge hearts - and it shows in the grounds, animals and all that they do.

For this event we set up a table and gear.... and started to answer any and all mortgage questions for everyone there. Truthfully spent a lot of time speaking to the RCMP officers which was pretty neat and watching them move their horses in the actual "ride" was astonishing! The place was standing room only!

 We added our pennies together, along with help from TMG (St. Albert Office) and donated a total of $375.00, towards The Kids with Cancer Foundation.

We even had a little photo bomber ... but she was cute, so it was totally ok!

A Partnership Created for some Awesome Charities!

So this summer has been pretty busy and full of so many wonderful things. For starters, Stefan Cherwoniak (another mortgage agent with TMG) and I teamed up to do some Community Charity work! 
What we created was a wonderful partnership that benefits the community & the two charities we supported together this summer. 

The first event we did was....... "Yoga in the Park".                                          
It was a huge success and I am more than looking forward to making it bigger and better for the coming summer in 2015.     (Note: we are already planning 2015!)                                                This event was done around a "Healthy Community" - for that you need fresh air, good healthy eats, excercise, some fun and if course ask any mortgage question you may have. For a healthy life you should look at all aspects of ones life - and that includes your finances. Actually finances can play a large role in how you approach all those other healthy choices that you may come across. Being human; food, shelter and health are top of the charts. We will all look at them differently and that is ok - but making healthier choices go beyond, maybe not having that milkshake at lunch and also go toward your mortgage health (for your home/shelter), it is one of the largest, if not the largest purchase someone will make in their lifetime...as mortgage agents of course we are promoting this. On top of all that, this was an event to Support Local Community Businesses. Your local stores, gyms, resturants, home businesses etc.... to give everyone a mini taste of what is actually available in their area. The two resturants that helped out actually provided all the food for the event! The healthy salads for the yogis after their class (Harts Table & Bar) - and of course some cotton candy for the kids (we could not have it be too healthy..lol.. Delux Burgar Bar)

Besides all of that... the actual fundraising was for "Make a Wish Foundation" - The mission of Make-A-Wish® Canada is to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. 

Our entire community of Terwillegar got together to support this wonderful event! 

As the event was titled, it was "Yoga in the Park"! We had a fabulous instructor, Sean Forchuk that donated his time to teach a class of 20+ students, under the open blue sky and grounded in the grass! It was amazingly awesome & Sean was amazing as always! 

There was also a goodie bag for all participants - full of amazing things provided by local businesses, as well as a bouncy castle (courtesy of Local Remax Real Estate Agent-Didi Rasmussen) for the kids. Plus some awesome draw prizes, one of which was a Yogi Toes Towel!

We had some solid members of the community attend as well which I feel so blessed for. They are an amazing presence in our Community so it was great they came out. We had Firefighters from Rig #24- and the kids (and adults) got to tour the trucks and we even got to see them go away with their lights and horns flashing. All the kids got coloring books and red fireman hats! They all loved it!

The Edmonton Police came as well with a squad car and lights flashing as well. We had a bit of fun with these two boys as I got "arrested" because we were offering such low rates ;)  Those cuffs are way more intense then they look on Law and Order! lol...

At the end of the afternoon, we had an amazing turn out and a lot of support for a great Charity and a Wonderful Community!!! We raised a total of $1200 for the Make a Wish Foundation!!! 

The list of supporters was large and I am going to take a moment to list them here. I also want to say a HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU! Without you it would not have been possible!

RMG Mortgages                                                 MCAP Mortgages
Leroux Mortgages                                              Quickfire Mortgages
Didi Rasmussen - Remax Real Estate                Sustainable Developments
Harts Table & Bar                                               Delux Burgar Bar
Jillys Home and Lifestyle                                   Swish Flowers
Infinity Fitness                                                    Orange Theory
Starbucks                                                            Iris Optics
Yorkton Group                                                    Sean King - Sunlife 
Jolene Langelle - Remax Real Estate                 Justin Leroux - Southgate Audi
Bliss Yoga and Spa                                             Sean Forchuk
Make a Wish Foundation                                    Keith Olsen - Unity Designs
Bone & Biscuit                                                   Allure Skin Care
Jessica Stankowski- Acupuncture                      Kate Talbot- Acupuncture & Herbals

I cant wait to see you all again next year, and to also see the new faces that I hope will come and support a wonderful event. The 2015 will be Bigger and Better!!! Especially now the Spray Park is complete!!                                           


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

So How Do You Know Which Option Is The Best For You? NOW AND LATER

With what we are all seeing on the news lately and hearing on the radio, how do you know if you are getting into the right mortgage product. Yeah I said product not rate! Everyone is always so focused on the rate that they forget about the product...but they end up learning about the product later when they are wanting to do something to their mortgage OR their life circumstances change. For short sighted fokes this will not make much sense but what people need to start doing is looking at their mortgage investments as 'Long Term', cause they are... think about it. Most people take a 5 year term and it is amortized over a 25 year period (use to be 35 or even 40 year). Now I dont know about you but next week can seem far away at times let alone 5 years or 25 years! What you may find out is that "great rate" your bank offered you, was actually a Marriage Proposal- that will require a Divorce to get out of. And not the slightly bruised kind of divorce but the down and dirty messy kind. That maybe a bit more graphic than it actually is - but I want to hammer this point home. 

Here are 3 examples I have just off the top of my head. 

        "BMOs Spring Reqular Promo of the 2.99% rate"
Did you know that to change that mortgage or to pay it out, can only be done with a refinance within BMO, or auto renew back to BMO? Which means unless you sell, you are stuck with BMO... didnt know you signed a marriage contract did you? 
Did you also know that pre payment options are only 10% as well as max amortization is 25 years (even on conventional). Combine that with the fact that BMOs IRD is one of the worst out there, meaning if you did want to break the mortgage the penalty would be so bad that it would make you do a double take!

"TDs Promo with the 2.99% for a 4 year, but they will give you their best of 2.97%" 
Did you see that little cross at the top right of the rate... I saw this from another agent and it made me giggle...   did you want to nail yourself to it?   Sure the rate looks good on the outside, but for one it is not the best AND more importantly the product is not what you think. Did you know that they register your mortgage as a Collateral Charge? Do you know what that means? Did the broker/banker even explain it to you? If not you should ask. I did a post awhile back about Collateral Mortgages. Sign that and nail yourself to it really... the cross that is placed after the rate is a great visual as far as I am concerned. 

The last and one that makes me laugh every time I hear it on the Radio, is ATBs new mortgage ads. 
"Taking the BULL OUT, with their new Clear Cut Mortgages" hahah . They actually state in the ad, that they will give you their best rates right out of the gate so you do not have to haggle! Haggle, seriously! Why should you a customer have to haggle, why does a new client get offered a better rate right off the bat vs a loyal customer. Why were they not giving you, the client, the best rate, right out of the hopper.. along with a great product! Either way there is a 2ed one out now, that sounds like a marriage proposal! Yikes, married to your bank... now that sounds like a match made in heaven .. or hell for that matter...yikes! Like marriage to Mr.Trump, lots of red tape and an iron clad pre nup... 

Do not get me wrong, the above does not make me happy as a mortgage agent, as I do not see the clients best interest being placed first in any of those situations. But the banks do have their place in financing for sure. Example being that ATB is great to do the builder mortgages, especially the draw mortgages. Your rate and product are set at first draw .. this can be an awesome feature if rates are climbing up and who knows when your build will really be completed. 

So again, how do you know what is right? 
Banks teach us to go to them for anything financial, they have huge dollars for advertizing that help us to believe that to be the case. But it seems like they are not putting their best foot forward to keep your business. Why does a new client get better rates/product than a person that has been a loyal client for 10+ years? Because you think you trust them, just sign the renewal form and move on.... STOP. Please seek out another option before you just sign at renewal- your life has changed during the course of your mortgage, maybe your mortgage product should change with you... usually 9 times outta 10, there is something more suited for you.

Mortgage product, amortizations, qualifications and yes rate are all important. But here is a case about "rate".. so you have said you are moving to Flordia in two years, you are told to do the 5 year rate cause it is the best rate and the penalty will not be too bad.. what the heck is "not too bad".. so you take it cause "hey it is the better rate". Two years comes up and you want to sell your home, call to get your penalty and low and behold it is a lot higher than expected! WHAT! Banks caculations for interest rate differential are all slightly different; and can be quite high depending on the "when" and the "how". Why did you not take the 2 year rate or even a 3 year if you were not quite sure on your timelines. It could have potentially saved you tonnes in interest as well as penalty, with a rate that may have been only slightly higher. Now think.. why did no one explain this to you? Why wasnt someone looking for your best interests at the time? Could it have been maybe you were all about best rate and were not listening? or did the person on the other end of the desk not even speak about the other options available? Either way the potential trip to Flordia may now be delayed. 

There are so many more examples of this, I could write a book on just that... so lets continue.

Oh there is more. Some rates that are super low come with some pretty good catches. They are not portable, no pre payment options, huge penalties, must sell to get out of, collateral liens, etc etc. You need to see if any of these featureless mortgages actually fit your needs for now and later.. and not just now. Do you have someone in your corner explaining these things to you? Walking you thru it? Some of the non-features are not terrible things but some could be, for you... have you spoken to your mortgage person about long term mortgages? or do you need short? what is the difference between variable and fixed rate mortgages? What would best suit you? .... so many questions....

Now for all this, ask yourself this. Do you want to deal with someone that deals in RRSP, Investments, Chequing and Savings Accounts etc etc oh yeah and mortgages. Or do you want to deal with someone that lives and breathes mortgages all day long. I am guess the second choice. The old adage "Jack of All Trades and Master of Nothing" .....Besides who knows, maybe your best option is to go back to your bank; but your mortgage agent will make sure that you are getting what you should be getting and will be explaining things all along the way to you. Not all mortgage agents are created equally as well, keep that in mind. You are still the controlling force here... you decide whom you want to work with in the end and all the positive or negatives that can be associated with that. Ask questions, lots of 'em and see how the answer resonates with you and move from there. 

There are so many mortgage doors to choose from... make sure you have someone working FOR you, to help you choose the right one - for NOW and LATER.

Friday, February 28, 2014

CMHC Premiums to Raise May 1st, 2014....

Everyone was worried yesterday in regards to the announcement that came today. The announcement has happened and it is not as bad as people were thinking.

Let me start of by saying that any current approved deals via CMHC all the way till April 30th, 2014 will be at the old premium rates...even if it does not fund by April 30, 2014. It just has to be approved in the system (although if it has to go back to CMHC there is a chance that the premium would increase at that time).

Either way, if you currently have an approval with your broker or bank that is already CMHC approved, the premium will not increase. Any new mortgages approved May 1st, 2014 going forward will be subject to the new premiums.

Those new premiums are not too insane, and equate to about $5 more per monthly payment for all mortgages with less than 20% down payment.

Please see some actual numbers & Release via CMHC,  by clicking on this link:

Increase in Mortgage Loan Insurance Premiums for Homeowner and
1 - 4 Unit Rental Properties – Effective May 1, 2014

As a result of its annual review of its insurance products and capital requirements, CMHC is increasing its mortgage loan insurance premiums for homeowner and 1- 4 unit rental properties to reflect its increased capital targets.
CMHC’s capital management framework is consistent with international practices and Canadian guidelines for mortgage insurers. Higher capital targets are consistent with Canadian and international industry trends and make the financial system more stable and resilient. As CMHC mortgage insurance is backed by taxpayers, capital holdings reduce Canadian taxpayers’ exposure to the housing market, and contribute to the long term stability of the financial system.
For the average Canadian homebuyer requiring CMHC-insured financing, the higher premium will result in an increase of approximately $5 to their monthly mortgage payment. This is not expected to have a material impact on the housing market.
Effective May 1, 2014, the premiums will increase by 15%, on average. The premiums** and premium surcharges will be as follows:
Standard Premiums
Loan-to-Value Ratio
Loan Amount
Increase to
Loan Amount
Up to and including 65%
Up to and including 75%
Up to and including 80%
Up to and including 85%
Up to and including 90%
Up to and including 95%
90.01% to 95% (Non-traditional Sources of Equity)
Self-Employed Borrowers without Third Party Validation of Income
Loan-to-Value Ratio
Loan Amount
Increase to
Loan Amount
Up to and including 65%
Up to and including 75%
Up to and including 80%
Up to and including 85%
Up to and including 90%
Rental Loans (1 – 4 Units)
Loan-to-Value Ratio
Loan Amount
Increase to
Loan Amount
Up to and including 65%
Up to and including 75%
Up to and including 80%

Note: Premiums shown with “*” do not apply for Refinance transactions.
**For purchase/new construction loan applications, the premium rate is applied to the Total Loan Amount. For portability and refinance loan applications, the premium is the lesser of the premium rate applied to the Increase to Loan Amount; or the premium rate applied to the Total Loan Amount.
Premium Surcharges
Extended Amortization Surcharge (for each 5 year period beyond 25 years)
Blended Amortization Surcharge
Conversion surcharge for self-employed borrowers without traditional documentation to support income verification

CMHC’s new premium rates will be effective for new mortgage loan insurance requests submitted on or after May 1, 2014. The current mortgage loan insurance premiums will apply for applications submitted to CMHC prior to May 1, 2014, regardless of the closing date. As is normal practice, complete borrower and property details must be submitted to CMHC when requesting mortgage loan insurance.
CMHC reviews its premiums on an annual basis and has adjusted them several times since being commercialized in 1998. Adjustments have included both increases and decreases to the premiums. Going forward, CMHC plans to announce decisions on premiums in the first quarter of each year.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Is Your Mortgage Shopping All About Rate ...If So ...Are You Setting Yourself Up To Be Bit In The Butt....

The short answer is that most consumers would say "yes", Rate is All Important but is this the right answer.... My answer to that is yes and no. While rate is important it is not the only thing you should be thinking of or reviewing when you are getting a mortgage for your new purchase. Now, most people would say that sounds like a sales pitch. The reality is that mortgage flexibility, contract restrictions and advice all have a definitive impact on borrowing costs. And most people do not discover how much impact this can have until after your mortgage is already closed and usually only finding this out when you have tried to change or do something different with your mortgage.

Mortgages are long term investments which you have to look at all your options based on your current situation and future situations. Taking the lowest of the low rate at the time may turn around and bite you in the butt come the future. The Mortgage Rates sites that also post multiple rates from banks to brokers can also be misleading as well. The lowest rate there, may not work for your situation or what you are wanting long term. IE some lenders for the super low rates have to be high ratio loans; ie insured loans.. if you are putting 20% down or more, you would not get access to this product. And that is just one example. Making sure you have the right person working for you is a good key point as well. Like any business, not everyone is stellar at their job. Besides that I know that commission has become a bad word in todays society, however the commissioned mortgage agent, does not work for any one lender - they work at getting you the best mortgage you qualify for and informing you the whole step of the way. It is more of a relationship and a great agent will stay with you even after your mortgage has closed and the "deal" is done.

To Read More... Did You Know?   Check out this post 

Building on that post....

Conventional mortgages you can still get 30 and 35 year amortizations... but from reading above do you think these are the best ideas for the future? How old will you be when you are mortgage free, even with doing pre payment options and then on top of looking for the "best rate", on a 30 or 35 year amortization, that best rate is not doing much for you in terms of overall interest paid for the course of your mortgage. Are you taking that 30 or 35 year to have lower payments? maybe then your purchase price is higher than you should be looking? Did you know that some lenders offer awesome rates and pre payment options and only limit the fact that you can not port or if you can it would only be a straight across port ($ for $) ... for a first time home buyer this may be the perfect solution! Great discounted rate and 98% of all the options. Or maybe you need something with full portability so you will take a rate a bit higher to have all the bells and whistles.....

What I am trying to get across here, is make sure you have options. And the options have to be what will fit your current and future plans. Mortgages are more like puzzles and making sure you have all the correct pieces to put your ideal situation together. You may not think you need those options now, but who knows what the future holds. Ask questions. Lots of questions. You want to make sure you have someone in your corner, explaining all your options to you and getting you the best rate possible!  So I guess I can go back to the commission point. People that work commission have a vested interest in making you happy. If you have a deadline to meet they are usually in the trenches with you. The salaried person, when the home bell rings, they are packing up and going home. To them really it does not matter if things all work out the way you want them to in the end - they get paid regardless.

Paring you with the Right Mortgage Rate & Product! It is the only way to make the best decision for yourself and/or your family.

Working with a Licensed Mortgage Agent is a step in the right direction and in the end you will be paired with the Best Mortgage Rate and Product for YOU! Call/email me, I can help explain your options.

Ariana Leroux
Licensed Agent with The Mortgage Group AB
780.952.4087 mobile