Everyone tends to freak out when this happens, but it happens every year. For myself, with two small kids, I tend to think it follows the school year (although I know it is way more complicated than that, IE Bond Market Cause and Effect etc etc) ... however in Simple terms, I see May till the end of June being busy, but it starts to slow down come the beginning of July but it is still chugging along, come the end of July most things peter off to again be picked up come the end of August/September. School ending and school gearing up again.
Using my non-existent crystal ball to look into the future....

Of course the other way to look, is the great 5 year fixed rates as well & just renew it in the 5 year term. Therefore taking advantage of the super low current rates and take your chances in the future renewal. This allows you to have the lowest possible monthly payment obligation and to hopefully start to utilize all the bells and whistles on your mortgage. Meaning, the 15-20% pre payment options, payment frequency options etc etc... Tip: just changing your mortgage monthly payments to biweekly or accelerated weekly will drastically change your amortization. In a good way! Which means, YOU will be mortgage free sooner! Variable seems to be off the table for now as the spread between variable and fixed is not that great yet, about 35bps. When the spread is around 100bps then you will see the Variables picking up in popularity again! However for now Variables are only great in the HELOCS, which are still going strong with the Prime +0.50%
We all need to seriously start looking at mortgages, the debt we carry and finding what long term solutions are going to work for either yourself as an individual or for your family as a whole. Mortgage payments, types of mortgages, types of rates, types of pre payment options, owner occupied vs rental, types of properties, down payments etc etc - where you get all these from are going to be important. You should go to the experts that can help explain all the differences as well as help guide you to the right mortgage path for yourself. Mortgages are not just about one thing, rate, but a whole bunch of puzzle pieces that once put together will give you a great picture.......Of course I am always available for a free consultation... look ahead into your eventual "Mortgage Free" Future...the grass is greener there but you have to plan to get there in order to actually cross that finish line.
Think Outside the Box!!!