You all have heard me say, "rates are going up", and you can see this when you watch the bond market. When the bond rises - our rates are not far on its heel. This has come to pass with pretty well all lenders raising rates this week. Now it is not a huge raise - but it did go up. As well as in the Mortgage Product market, we lost yet another lender that would do stated income for our business for self clientele. More so now than ever it is important I believe that you have someone working in your corner to make sure you have the knowledge to make the important decisions that a mortgage requires. That you have options and direction. Really someone that can protect you from the turrential down pour of garbage, but still know that you need some light nitrogen rain in which to grow. (nice visual huh). What I am trying to state, is that you do need a Mortgage Agent on your side. You do not need nor want an order taker or data entry person. You need someone that specializes in what you are wanting to participate in, the Mortgage Market. Some who lives and breathes what they are talking about and have your best interests at heart always. :)
Mortgages are not all about rate, although it is
important, but they are about so much more than just the percentage you receive. I mean, did you ever think "what if I move?", is the mortgage portable? "what if I want to change my payments?" can you?, "what if I want to pay down my mortgage?" well can you? , "what if I have a plan when I want to be mortgage free...", is someone really helping you get to that goal? ... there are so many questions. Like did you know you lower your given amortization if you make weekly or biweekly payments vs monthly? Can your current mortgage product do this for you? do you want it to? I mean... mortgages are long term for 99% of our population, we have to think past our noses when we are signing on the dotted line. And in order to do that you have to have information, and options.

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