Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Justice for Geo

"...what I wrote on Facebook today is written below. 
With a message that should be shared anyway possible, 
even smoke signals if required, 
to get to the furthest reaches of Canada. "

Seeing the flowers & the red stained stones, is enough to make anyone cry. Finding out that is was a 2 year old boy who senselessly had his light snuffed out, this past Sunday, has me bawling. As a mother of 2 young kids & living 5 minutes away from this tragedy - it has hit me close to home on several fronts. This little boy, with so much unseen potential, is gone. My heart breaks for the entire family & I offer my heart felt condolences. 

Drinking & Driving is NOT ok, & what our Justice System has to realize; is a vehicle is a fast moving, heavy duty weapon, of approximately 4259+ pounds & should be treated as such! Driving a vehicle is not a right, it is a privilege. Zero tolerance should be given when someone is drinking & getting behind the wheel; especially upon causing a loss of life. I too will write a letter to the MLA & share your story & demands for change. Harsher punishments need to be handed out to people who take someone else's life, especially in regards to vehicles & impaired driving. Bail should not be granted in my opinion at all, as time needs to be spent behind bars to have the murder think about his selfish actions & the consequences to those actions. This is not an accident, it could have been prevented, a little boy lost his life, the driver should lose his freedom.

Like most people I believe this is a worthy cause, and Geo should not be forgotten, or become another stat. I know that my family, the community & Edmonton will rally around the grieving family - hopefully giving them some strength in this dark time. "Geo's Law" as called by Didi Rasmussen - is something more than worthy for us as parents, a community, a City, a Province, to demand from our Justice System. 

Our prayers are with your family. 

Please go to the Facebook page that is set up for this and read the comments & offer your support. This type of senseless loss is preventable & it is time we all stood up and fight for what is right.

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